Monday, April 30, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Big Red Button

This is a terrific TV advert, set in a quiet square of a town in Belgium.

Art & Sculpture

Both Marion & Nick got a painting accepted for the big art exhibition in Paisley.  We had to drive out there today to pick up the other one of Marion's that didn't get in.  As well as that, Marion may have sold two pictures at Louise's show.

After Paisley Museum, we drove back via Dobbie's Garden Centre at Braehead.  Marion wanted to buy some new plants for the front garden.  We got a particularly nice yellow one that smells of lemon all the time.

We could not decided which ornamental statue to buy:  I wanted the lady with the flower and Marion wanted the little boy fountain.  So we didn't get either.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Another tooth out

At 9 this morning, Marion was at the dentist to have a tooth removed and an implant put in its place.  She was back home by 11 feeling a bit shaky and is having a sleep.

Yesterday was a busy day.  We went for breakfast to Kember & Jones and from there went to Argos (for the little oven) then Comet, Staples, PC World, Cotterel Lighting, Richmond Plumbing, Ikea, and finally Pagazzi lighting at Braehead.  By then, it was closing time so we drove back home.

The importance of Irn Bru

Sign in Morrison's supermarket, Glasgow - East End

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Signs of tiredness

What they should do now is to erect another sign 400 meters along the road saying


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Drummer joke

Q:  What do you call a beautiful young woman on the arm of a drummer?

A:  A tattoo

(Musicians make jokes about drummers like other people make jokes about the Irish)

Mechanic & doctor joke

A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the engine of a Harley Davidson motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop.  
The mechanic shouted across the garage: 
"Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?" 
The surgeon a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle.
The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked,
"So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take the valves out, fix 'em, put 'em back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?"
The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic.   ......
"Try doing it with the engine running."

Cutting a rug

The hall is full of rolls of green carpet to go to the dump.  Marion wanted to paint the floor of the little room where the sewing machine is all white but when she cut up the carpet, she found that the floor was too much of a mess,  Now we will have to get a joiner in to repair some bits of it and look for some vinyl instead.

The work on the shower room has been put off till Monday .... relief!

Monday, April 23, 2012

New hub

Spent the morning setting up the new WiFi network.  Our BT Broadband Hub arrived at 8:15am and was working by 9.  Then I had to link up the other computers and printer and sort out the email.  The reasons we are dropping Virgin are that it has a weak signal, gives lots of problems, and is much more expensive.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Councilors are all dummies

A woman in Aberdeen entered a shop dummy as a local election candidate!  Now she has been arrested.  I think she she get some sort of award.   It would be funnier if the dummy had won.

What? Where?

This is in Glasgow's West End ... do you know where it is?  Text or email if you think you know the answer.  Small prize for gettingit right. 
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

At Ikea

Marion has to prepare some paintings for an exhibition that Louise is helping to organise so we went to Ikea to get four frames.  While we were there, we bought duvet covers and sheets for Jess & Izzy.  We also ordered our new wash-hand basin and drawers for the bedroom.  They got delivered at 8am this morning!  Soon our hall will be full of stuff as all the materials for the new shower room start to arrive.  Work starts next week.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

HI-Yo Silver!

I saw this van saying 'The Bone Ranger' as I was nearing the Dalnottar Crematorium this morning and got quite the wrong idea as to what services it might be offering.  Checking the web, it turns out to be a dog walking service!

I would like to be able to report that the van was silver .... but it wasn't.

The Glasgow Herald says this will go in the Diary tomorrow.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rachel's dad

This is Rachel's father - Eddie Boyd - at the cottage in 1950 with Susan and me.  Susan is a year and a half old.  He wrote books, articles for newspapers and magazines and plays for radio, TV and films.  There is a short entry in wikipedia.
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Sunday, April 15, 2012

A different Isla

Surprise phone call today from Isla who worked for us for about 20 years.  She lives near Belfast now and has two daughters: Lora and Erin.  Erin is a mad-keen footballer!  Anyway, Isla is coming to Glasgow to see her family and is coming to see us on Tuesday.

Late nights

Oh so very tired on Saturday.  Rachel, John & Alfie didn't arrive until 12 o'clock on Friday night  - they drove up from Manchester in  rented van - so it was nearly 3am before we got to bed.

We took Louis & Harry out to dinner that evening because Louise has her elbow in plaster and needs cheering up.  When we got home, Rachel & Alfie were asleep and John was still up, working on a TV programme.  We sat and talked to him until midnight.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tiles, tiles, tiles

Looking for tiles!   The car is full of sample tiles and makes a horrible noise if I go round a corner too fast.  Got hungry so went for a quick lunch at The House For An Art Lover.  It is a folly surrounded by bad 'Art'.  On the way home, stopped at Staples to get a big cardboard tube to pack up Jean's portrait to go back to New Orleans.  Marion had to rush to the butcher's to get some ham because Rachel & John are coming to stay late tonight.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Braille Fail

The producers of  "I'm Spazticus" really got it wrong with this stunt involving a blind man and a nude  model.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dotty coat

We seem to have spent the whole day doing boring things and getting stuck in traffic jams.  The design for our new shower room is proving tricky to get right so we drove back to Hillington to look at shower doors and things.  From there, we went to M&S to look for a gift for Lucy's new baby, Isla.  Ended up buying a cuddly giraffe and a cute navy/white polka dot raincoat with a hood that has a red lining for when she is starting to walk.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This is a photo I've never seen before.  Jim found it in a drawer in the cottage and sent me a copy yesterday.  It was taken in the summer of 1950 when we lived there all the time.  It shows me (age 7) and Susan (age 1+) with Susan's dad Edward Boyd.  Eddie was also Rachel's father, many years later.
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Not so Good Friday

News from our friend Louise who hurt her shoulder weeks ago.  She had to go for physiotherapy to help her muscles and, whilst at the hospital, she tripped and broke her elbow.  They had to operate on her on Friday to put in a metal plate, so now her right arm is all in plaster.  She is very fed up about it.

Hello, Isla

Lucy Jay - daughter of our neighbours Jeff & Jane - had another baby girl on Saturday evening.  Her name is Isla Jane.  Lucy & Isla are back home already.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Panda joke

In today's Glasgow Herald Diary

"ON the Edinburgh pandas' failure to mate, David Donaldson claims Tian Tian has turned into a true Edinburgh female of the species: Fur coat and nae takers."

You might need that one explained to you

Cough, Splutter, Sniff

My cold isn't much better and the cough has got a bit worse so I did not mind having to stay  in most of the day on Thursday.  Firstly, I was waiting for  a very important call from the lawyer's about  Katy's flat.  I think we have now sold it.  Then I had to wait for the plumber who was coming to talk about the work that has to be done in our shower room.  He wants to start work on the 23rd so we will have to hurry and decide on what we want and get it ordered.

Between times, I went on-line and ordered silk thermals (25% off for Easter!) for Marion and a bottle of Issey Miyake perfume from Amazon - £10 cheaper than in Superdrug.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Daft excluder?

A woman in Scotland called in the RSPCA because she was terrified of a giant snake in her attic.  This is what it turned out to be,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Snow in April

Right this very minute, it is snowing!  Doesn't look like it will last, though.  Elsewhere in Scotland, there is heavy snow. 

Remember the painting from New Orleans?  Now we have to drive back out to Hamilton to pick it up again and then re-pack it and take it to Fedex to have it flown back to the USA.  Plus we need to get some shopping because we have an old friend coming to dinner this evening.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Police v Batman

This is from the BBC.  It shows police in America stopping Batman in a black Lamborghini sports car.